本文共 43578 字,大约阅读时间需要 145 分钟。
#!/usr/bin/env python#coding:utf-8def byte_to_buma(val): binVal = bin(val)[2:].zfill(8) if binVal[0:1] == '0': return val sb = '' for i in range(7): if binVal[i+1:i+2] == '0': sb += '1' else: sb += '0' return -(int(sb, 2) + 1)def word_to_buma(val): binVal = bin(val)[2:].zfill(16) if binVal[0:1] == '0': return val sb = '' for i in range(15): if binVal[i+1:i+2] == '0': sb += '1' else: sb += '0' return -(int(sb, 2) + 1)def dword_to_buma(val): binVal = bin(val)[2:].zfill(32) if binVal[0:1] == '0': return val sb = '' for i in range(31): if binVal[i+1:i+2] == '0': sb += '1' else: sb += '0' return -(int(sb, 2) + 1)
#!/usr/bin/env python#coding:utf-8def getOpCode(opcode): """ 参考: dalvik-bytecode """ if opcode == 0x00 : return '10x', 'nop' if opcode == 0x01 : return '12x', 'move vA, vB' if opcode == 0x02 : return '22x', 'move/from16 vAA, vBBBB' if opcode == 0x03 : return '32x', 'move/16 vAAAA, vBBBB' if opcode == 0x04 : return '12x', 'move-wide vA, vB' if opcode == 0x05 : return '22x', 'move-wide/from16 vAA, vBBBB' if opcode == 0x06 : return '32x', 'move-wide/16 vAAAA, vBBBB' if opcode == 0x07 : return '12x', 'move-object vA, vB' if opcode == 0x08 : return '22x', 'move-object/from16 vAA, vBBBB' if opcode == 0x09 : return '32x', 'move-object/16 vAAAA, vBBBB' if opcode == 0xa : return '11x', 'move-result vAA' if opcode == 0xb : return '11x', 'move-result-wide vAA' if opcode == 0xc : return '11x', 'move-result-object vAA' if opcode == 0xd : return '11x', 'move-exception vAA' if opcode == 0xe : return '10x', 'return-void' if opcode == 0xf : return '11x', 'return vAA' if opcode == 0x10 : return '11x', 'return-wide' if opcode == 0x11 : return '11x', 'return-object vAA' if opcode == 0x12 : return '11n', 'const/4 vA, #+B' if opcode == 0x13 : return '21s', 'const/16 vAA, #+BBBB' if opcode == 0x14 : return '31i', 'const vAA, #+BBBBBBBB' if opcode == 0x15 : return '21h', 'const/high16 vAA, #+BBBB0000' if opcode == 0x16 : return '21s', 'const-wide/16 vAA, #+BBBB' if opcode == 0x17 : return '31i', 'const-wide/32 vAA, #+BBBBBBBB' if opcode == 0x18 : return '51l', 'const-wide vAA, #+BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB' if opcode == 0x19 : return '21h', 'const-wide/high16 vAA, #+BBBB000000000000' if opcode == 0x1a : return '21c', 'const-string vAA, string@BBBB' if opcode == 0x1b : return '31c', 'const-string/jumbo vAA, string@BBBBBBBB' if opcode == 0x1c : return '21c', 'const-class vAA, type@BBBB' if opcode == 0x1d : return '11x', 'monitor-enter vAA' if opcode == 0x1e : return '11x', 'monitor-exit vAA' if opcode == 0x1f : return '21c', 'check-cast vAA, type@BBBB' if opcode == 0x20 : return '22c', 'instance-of vA, vB, type@CCCC' if opcode == 0x21 : return '12x', 'array-length vA, vB' if opcode == 0x22 : return '21c', 'new-instance vAA, type@BBBB' if opcode == 0x23 : return '22c', 'new-array vA, vB, type@CCCC' if opcode == 0x24 : return '35c', 'filled-new-array {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, type@CCCC' if opcode == 0x25 : return '3rc', 'filled-new-array/range {vCCCC .. vNNNN}, type@BBBB' if opcode == 0x26 : return '31t', 'fill-array-data vAA, +BBBBBBBB' if opcode == 0x27 : return '11x', 'throw vAA' if opcode == 0x28 : return '10t', 'goto +AA' if opcode == 0x29 : return '20t', 'goto/16 +AAAA' if opcode == 0x2a : return '30t', 'goto/32 +AAAAAAAA' if opcode == 0x2b : return '31t', 'packed-switch vAA, +BBBBBBBB' if opcode == 0x2c : return '31t', 'sparse-switch vAA, +BBBBBBBB' if opcode >= 0x2d and opcode <= 0x31 : return '23x', 'cmpkind vAA, vBB, vCC' if opcode >= 0x32 and opcode <= 0x37 : return '22t', 'if-test vA, vB, +CCCC' if opcode >= 0x38 and opcode <= 0x3d : return '21t', 'if-testz vAA, +BBBB' if opcode >= 0x3e and opcode <= 0x43 : return '10x', 'unused' if opcode >= 0x44 and opcode <= 0x51 : return '23x', 'arrayop vAA, vBB, vCC' if opcode >= 0x52 and opcode <= 0x5f : return '22c', 'iinstanceop vA, vB, field@CCCC' if opcode >= 0x60 and opcode <= 0x6d: return '21c', 'sstaticop vAA, field@BBBB' if opcode >= 0x6e and opcode <= 0x72 : return '35c', 'invoke-kind {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, meth@CCCC' if opcode == 0x73 : return '10x', 'unused' if opcode >= 0x74 and opcode <= 0x78 : return '3rc', 'invoke-kind/range {vCCCC .. vNNNN}, meth@BBBB' if opcode >= 0x79 and opcode <= 0x7a : return '10x', 'unused' if opcode >= 0x7b and opcode <= 0x8f : return '12x', 'unop vA, vB' if opcode >= 0x90 and opcode <= 0xaf : return '23x', 'binop vAA, vBB, vCC' if opcode >= 0xb0 and opcode <= 0xcf : return '12x', 'binop/2addr vA, vB' if opcode >= 0xd0 and opcode <= 0xd7 : return '22s', 'binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC' if opcode >= 0xd8 and opcode <= 0xe2 : return '22b', 'binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC' if opcode >= 0xe3 and opcode <= 0xfe : return '10x', 'unused' if opcode == 0x00ff : return '41c', 'const-class/jumbo vAAAA, type@BBBBBBBB' if opcode == 0x01ff : return '41c', 'check-cast/jumbo vAAAA, type@BBBBBBBB' if opcode == 0x02ff : return '52c', 'instance-of/jumbo vAAAA, vBBBB, type@CCCCCCCC' if opcode == 0x03ff : return '41c', 'new-instance/jumbo vAAAA, type@BBBBBBBB' if opcode == 0x04ff : return '52c', 'new-array/jumbo vAAAA, vBBBB, type@CCCCCCCC' if opcode == 0x05ff : return '52rc', 'filled-new-array/jumbo {vCCCC .. vNNNN}, type@BBBBBBBB' if opcode >= 0x06ff and opcode <= 0x13ff: return '52c', 'iinstanceop/jumbo vAAAA, vBBBB, field@CCCCCCCC' if opcode >= 0x14ff and opcode <= 0x21ff: return '41c', 'sstaticop/jumbo vAAAA, field@BBBBBBBB' if opcode >= 0x22ff and opcode <= 0x26ff: return '5rc', 'invoke-kind/jumbo {vCCCC .. vNNNN}, meth@BBBBBBBB'
#!/usr/bin/env python#coding:utf-8import OpCodeimport CommonUtilsclass DecodedInstruction(object): """docstring for DecodedInstruction""" def __init__(self): super(DecodedInstruction, self).__init__() self.vA = None self.vB = None self.vC = None self.vD = None self.vE = None self.vF = None self.vG = None self.opcode = None self.op = None self.indexType = None self.smaliCode = None # DeCode.insns指令集内相对于起始地址的offset self.offset = None # 代码片段长度 self.length = Nonedef dexDecodeInstruction(dexFile, dexCode, offset): byteCounts = offset / 4 insns = dexCode.insns if insns == '': return None decodedInstruction = DecodedInstruction() opcode = int(insns[offset:offset+2], 16) formatIns, syntax = OpCode.getOpCode(opcode) decodedInstruction.opcode = opcode if formatIns == '10x': # Format: 00|op <=> op # (1) opcode=00 nop if opcode == 0x00: decodedInstruction.op = 'nop' decodedInstruction.smaliCode = 'nop' decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 4 # (2) opcode=0e return-void if opcode == 0x0e: decodedInstruction.op = 'return-void' decodedInstruction.smaliCode = 'return-void' decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 4 # (3) opcode=3e..43 unused if opcode >= 0x3e and opcode <= 0x43: decodedInstruction.op = 'unused' decodedInstruction.smaliCode = 'unused' decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 4 # (4) opcode=73 unused if opcode == 0x73: decodedInstruction.op = 'unused' decodedInstruction.smaliCode = 'unused' decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 4 # (5) opcode=79..7a unused if opcode >= 0x79 and opcode <= 0x7a: decodedInstruction.op = 'unused' decodedInstruction.smaliCode = 'unused' decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 4 # (6) opcode=e3..fe unused if opcode >= 0xe3 and opcode <= 0xfe: decodedInstruction.op = 'unused' decodedInstruction.smaliCode = 'unused' decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 4 elif formatIns == '12x': # op vA, vB # Format: B|A|op <=> op vA, vB op = '????' # (1) opcode=01 move vA, vB if opcode == 0x01: op = 'move' # (2) opcode=04 move-wide vA, vB if opcode == 0x04: op = 'move-wide' # (3) opcode=07 move-object vA, vB if opcode == 0x07: op = 'move-object' # (4) opcode=21 array-length vA, vB if opcode == 0x21: op = 'array-length' # (5) opcode7b..8f unop vA, vB if opcode >= 0x7b and opcode <= 0x8f: unop = ['neg-int', 'not-int', 'neg-long', 'not-long', 'neg-float', 'neg-double', 'int-to-long', 'int-to-float', 'int-to-double', 'long-to-int', 'long-to-float', 'long-to-double', 'float-to-int', 'float-to-long', 'float-to-double', 'double-to-int', 'double-to-long', 'double-to-float', 'int-to-byte', 'int-to-char', 'int-to-short'] op = unop[opcode - 0x7b] # (6) opcode=b0..cf binop/2addr vA, vB if opcode >= 0xb0 and opcode <= 0xcf: ops = ['add-int/2addr', 'sub-int/2addr', 'mul-int/2addr', 'div-int/2addr', 'rem-int/2addr', 'and-int/2addr', 'or-int/2addr', 'xor-int/2addr', 'shl-int/2addr', 'shr-int/2addr', 'ushr-int/2addr', 'add-long/2addr', 'sub-long/2addr', 'mul-long/2addr', 'div-long/2addr', 'rem-long/2addr', 'and-long/2addr', 'or-long/2addr', 'xor-long/2addr', 'shl-long/2addr', 'shr-long/2addr','ushr-long/2addr', 'add-float/2addr', 'sub-float/2addr', 'mul-float/2addr', 'div-float/2addr', 'rem-float/2addr', 'add-double/2addr', 'sub-double/2addr', 'mul-double/2addr', 'div-double/2addr', 'rem-double/2addr'] op = ops[opcode - 0xb0] B = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 3], 16) A = int(insns[offset + 3:offset + 4], 16) decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = A decodedInstruction.vB = B decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, v%d' % (op, A, B) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 4 elif formatIns == '11n': # Format: B|A|op <=> # op vA, #+B # (1) opcode=12 const/4 vA, #+B B = int(insns[offset+2:offset+3], 16) A = int(insns[offset+3:offset+4], 16) decodedInstruction.op = 'const/4' decodedInstruction.vA = A decodedInstruction.B = B decodedInstruction.smaliCode = 'const/4 v%d, #+%d' % (A, B) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 4 elif formatIns == '11x': # Format: AA|op <=> # op vAA op = '????' # (1) opcode=0a move-result vAA if opcode == 0x0a: op = 'move-result' # (2) opcode=0b move-result-wide vAA if opcode == 0x0b: op = 'move-result-wide' # (3) opcode=0c move-result-object vAA if opcode == 0x0c: op = 'move-result-object' # (4) opcode=0d move-exception vAA if opcode == 0x0d: op = 'move-exception' # (5) opcode=0f return vAA if opcode == 0x0f: op = 'return' # (6) opcode=10 return-wide vAA if opcode == 0x10: op = 'return-wide' # (7) opcode=11 return-object vAA if opcode == 0x11: op = 'return-object' # (8) opcode=1d monitor-enter vAA if opcode == 0x1d: op = 'monitor-enter' # (9) opcode=1e monitor-exit vAA if opcode == 0x1e: op = 'monitor-exit' # (10) opcode=27 throw vAA if opcode == 0x27: op = 'throw' AA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 4], 16) decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d' % (op, AA) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 4 elif formatIns == '10t': # Format: AA|op <=> # op +AA # (1) opcode=28 goto +AA AA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 4], 16) buma = CommonUtils.byte_to_buma(AA) decodedInstruction.op = 'goto' decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.smaliCode = 'goto %s //%s' % (hex(offset/4+buma), hex(buma)) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 4 elif formatIns == '20t': # Format: 00|op AAAA <=> # op +vAAAA # (1) opcode=29 goto/16 +AAAA if opcode == 0x29: AAAA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 8], 16) buma = CommonUtils.word_to_buma(int(insns[offset + 4:offset + 8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16)) decodedInstruction.op = 'goto/16' decodedInstruction.vA = AAAA decodedInstruction.smaliCode = 'goto/16 %s //%s' % (hex(offset/4+buma), hex(buma)) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 8 elif formatIns == '20bc': # Format: AA|op BBBB <=> op AA, kind@BBBB # 无opcode # TODO pass elif formatIns == '22x': # Format: AA|op BBBB <=> op vAA, vBBBB op = '????' # (1) opcode=02 move/from16 vAA, vBBBB if opcode == 0x02: op = 'move/from16' # (2) opcode=05 move-wide/from16 vAA, vBBBB if opcode == 0x05: op = 'move-wide/from16' # (3) opcode=08 move-object/from16 vAA, vBBBB if opcode == 0x08: op = 'move-object/from16' AA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 4], 16) BBBB = int(insns[offset + 4:offset + 8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.vB = BBBB decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, v%s' % (op, AA, BBBB) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 8 elif formatIns == '21t': # Format: AA|op BBBB <=> op vAA, +BBBB op = '????' # (1) opcode=38..3d if-testz vAA, +BBBB if opcode >= 0x38 and opcode <= 0x3d: ops = ['if-eqz', 'if-nez', 'if-ltz', 'if-gez', 'if-gtz', 'if-lez'] op = ops[opcode - 0x38] AA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 4], 16) BBBB = int(insns[offset + 4:offset + 8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.vB = BBBB decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, %s //+%s' % (op, AA, hex(BBBB+offset/4), hex(BBBB)) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 8 elif formatIns == '21s': # Format: AA|op BBBB <=> op vAA, #+BBBB op = '????' # (1) opcode=13 const/16 vAA, #_BBBB if opcode == 0x13: op = 'const/16' # (2) opcode=16 const-wide/16 vAA, #+BBBB if opcode == 0x16: op = 'const-wide/16' AA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 4], 16) BBBB = int(insns[offset + 4:offset + 8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.vB = BBBB decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, #+%s' % (op, AA, BBBB) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 8 elif formatIns == '21h': # Format: AA|op BBBB <=> op vAA, #+BBBB0000[00000000] AA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 4], 16) BBBB = insns[offset + 4:offset + 8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') # (1) opcode=15 const/high16 vAA, #+BBBB0000 if opcode == 0x15: op = 'const/high16' decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBB + '0000', 16) decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, #+%s' % (op, AA, int(BBBB + '0000', 16)) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 8 # (2) opcode=19 const-wide/high16 vAA, #+BBBB000000000000 if opcode == 0x19: op = 'const-wide/high16' decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBB + '000000000000', 16) decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, #+%s' % (op, AA, int(BBBB + '000000000000', 16)) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 8 elif formatIns == '21c': # Format: AA|op BBBB <=> op vAA, [type|field|string]@BBBB indexType = '????' op = '????' indexStr = '' AA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 4], 16) BBBB = insns[offset + 4:offset + 8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') # (1) opcode=1a const-string vAA, string@BBBB if opcode == 0x1a: op = 'const-string' indexType = 'string' indexStr = dexFile.getDexStringId(int(BBBB, 16)) # (2) opcode=1c const-class vAA, type@BBBB if opcode == 0x1c: op = 'const-class' indexType = 'type' indexStr = dexFile.getDexTypeId(int(BBBB, 16)) # (3) opcode=1f check-cast vAA, type@BBBB if opcode == 0x1f: op = 'check-cast' indexType = 'type' indexStr = dexFile.getDexTypeId(int(BBBB, 16)) # (4) opcode=22 new-instance vAA, type@BBBB if opcode == 0x22: op = 'new-instance' indexType = 'type' indexStr = dexFile.getDexTypeId(int(BBBB, 16)) # (5) opcode=60..6d sstaticop vAA, field@BBBB if opcode >= 0x60 and opcode <=0x6d: sstaticop = ['sget', 'sget-wide', 'sget-object', 'sget-boolean', 'sget-byte', 'sget-char', 'sget-char', 'sget-short', 'sput', 'sput-wide', 'sput-object', 'sput-boolean', 'sput-byte', 'sput-char', 'sput-short'] op = sstaticop[opcode - 0x60] indexType = 'field' dexFieldIdObj = dexFile.DexFieldIdList[int(BBBB, 16)] indexStr = dexFieldIdObj.toString(dexFile) decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBB, 16) decodedInstruction.indexType = indexType decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, %s@%s //%s' % (op, AA, indexType, BBBB, indexStr) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 8 elif formatIns == '23x': # Format: AA|op CC|BB <=> op vAA, vBB, vCC op = '????' # (1) opcode=2d..31 cmpkind vAA, vBB, vCC if opcode >= 0x2d and opcode <= 0x31: cmpkind = ['cmpl-float', 'cmpg-float', 'cmpl-double', 'cmpg-double', 'cmp-long'] op =cmpkind[opcode - 0x2d] # (2) opcode=44..51 arrayop vAA, vBB, vCC if opcode >= 0x44 and opcode <= 0x51: arrayop = ['aget', 'aget-wide', 'aget-object', 'aget-boolean', 'aget-byte', 'aget-char', 'aget-short', 'aput', 'aput-wide', 'aput-object', 'aput-boolean', 'aput-byte', 'aput-char', 'aput-short'] op = arrayop[opcode - 0x44] # (3) opcode=90..af binop vAA, vBB, vCC if opcode >= 0x90 and opcode <= 0xaf: binop = ['add-int', 'sub-int', 'mul-int', 'div-int', 'rem-int', 'and-int', 'or-int', 'xor-int', 'shl-int', 'shr-int', 'ushr-int', 'add-long', 'sub-long', 'mul-long', 'div-long', 'rem-long', 'and-long', 'or-long', 'xor-long', 'shl-long', 'shr-long', 'ushr-long', 'add-float', 'sub-float', 'mul-float', 'div-float', 'rem-float', 'add-double', 'sub-double', 'mul-double', 'div-double', 'rem-double'] op = binop[opcode - 0x90] AA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 4], 16) BB = int(insns[offset + 4:offset + 6], 16) CC = int(insns[offset + 6:offset + 8], 16) decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.vB = BB decodedInstruction.vC = CC decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, v%d, v%d' % (op, AA, BB, CC) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 8 elif formatIns == '22b': # Format: AA|op CC|BB <=> op vAA, vBB, #+CC # (1) opcode=d8..e2 binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC if opcode >= 0xd8 and opcode <= 0xe2: ops = ['add-int/lit8', 'rsub-int/lit8', 'mul-int/lit8', 'div-int/lit8', 'rem-int/lit8', 'and-int/lit8', 'or-int/lit8', 'xor-int/lit8', 'shl-int/lit8', 'shr-int/lit8', 'ushr-int/lit8'] op = ops[opcode - 0xd8] AA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 4], 16) BB = int(insns[offset + 4:offset + 6], 16) CC = int(insns[offset + 6:offset + 8], 16) decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.vB = BB decodedInstruction.vC = CC decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, v%d, #+v%d' % (op, AA, BB, CC) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 8 elif formatIns == '22t': # Format: B|A|op CCCC <=> op vA, vB, +CCCC op = '????' # (1) opcode=32..37 if-test vA, vB, +CCCC if opcode >=0x32 and opcode <= 0x37: ops = ['if-eq', 'if-ne', 'if-lt', 'if-ge', 'if-gt', 'if-le'] op = ops[opcode - 0x32] B = int(insns[offset + 2: offset + 3], 16) A = int(insns[offset + 3: offset + 4], 16) CCCC = insns[offset+4:offset+8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = A decodedInstruction.vB = B decodedInstruction.vC = CCCC decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, v%d, %s // +%s' % (op, A, B, hex(offset/4+int(CCCC, 16)), CCCC) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 8 elif formatIns == '22s': # Format: B|A|op CCCC <=> op vA, vB, #+CCCC op = '????' # (1) opcode=d0..d7 binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC if opcode >= 0xd0 and opcode <= 0xd7: ops = ['add-int/lit16', 'rsub-int', 'mul-int/lit16', 'div-int/lit16', 'rem-int/lit16', 'and-int/lit16', 'or-int/lit16', 'xor-int/lit16'] op = ops[opcode - 0xd0] B = int(insns[offset + 2: offset + 3], 16) A = int(insns[offset + 3: offset + 4], 16) CCCC = insns[offset + 4:offset + 8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = A decodedInstruction.vB = B decodedInstruction.vC = int(CCCC, 16) decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, v%d, #+%s' % (op, A, B, CCCC) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 8 elif formatIns == '22c': # Format: B|A|op CCCC <=> op vA, vB, [type|field]@CCCC op = '????' indexType = '????' indexStr = '' B = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 3], 16) A = int(insns[offset + 3:offset + 4], 16) CCCC = insns[offset + 4:offset + 8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') # (1) opcode=20 instance-of vA, vB, type@CCCC if opcode == 0x20: op = 'instance-of' indexType = 'type' indexStr = dexFile.DexTypeIdList[int(CCCC, 16)] # (2) opcode=23 new-array vA, vB, type@CCCC if opcode == 0x23: op = 'new-array' indexType = 'type' indexStr = dexFile.DexTypeIdList[int(CCCC, 16)] # (3) opcode=52..5f iinstanceop vA, vB, field@CCCC if opcode >= 0x52 and opcode <= 0x5f: iinstanceop = ['iget', 'iget-wide', 'iget-object', 'iget-boolean', 'iget-byte', 'iget-char', 'iget-short', 'iput', 'iput-wide', 'iput-object', 'iput-boolean', 'iput-byte', 'iput-char', 'put-short'] op = iinstanceop[opcode - 0x52] indexType = 'field' dexFieldIdObj = dexFile.DexFieldIdList[int(CCCC, 16)] indexStr = dexFieldIdObj.toString(dexFile) decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = A decodedInstruction.vB = B decodedInstruction.vC = int(CCCC, 16) decodedInstruction.indexType = indexType decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, v%d %s@%s //%s' % (op, A, B, indexType, CCCC, indexStr) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 8 elif formatIns == '22cs': # Format: B|A|op CCCC <=> op vA, vB, fieldoff@CCCC # 无opcode # TODO pass elif formatIns == '30t': # Format: ØØ|op AAAAlo AAAAhi <=> op +AAAAAAAA # (1) opcode=2a goto/32 +AAAAAAAA if opcode == 0x2a: AAAAAAAA = insns[offset + 2:offset + 12].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') buma = CommonUtils.word_to_buma(int(insns[offset + 4:offset + 12].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16)) decodedInstruction.op = 'goto/32' decodedInstruction.vA = int(AAAAAAAA, 16) decodedInstruction.smaliCode = 'goto/32 %s //%s' % (hex(offset/4+buma), hex(buma)) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 12 elif formatIns == '32x': # Format: ØØ|op AAAA BBBB <=> op vAAAA, vBBBB op = '????' # (1) opcode=03 move/16 vAAAA, vBBBB # (2) opcode=06 move-wide/16 vAAAA, vBBBB # (3) opcode=09 move-object/16 vAAAA, vBBBB if opcode == 0x03: op = 'move/16' if opcode == 0x06: op = 'move-wide/16' if opcode == 0x09: op = 'move-object/16' AAAA = insns[offset + 2:offset + 6].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') BBBB = insns[offset + 6:offset + 10].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = int(AAAA, 16) decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBB, 16) decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%s, v%s' % (op, AAAA, BBBB) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 10 elif formatIns == '31i': # Format: AA|op BBBBlo BBBBhi <=> op vAA, #+BBBBBBBB op = '????' # (1) opcode=14 const vAA, #+BBBBBBBB if opcode == 0x14: op = 'const' # (2) opcode=17 const-wide/32 vAA, #+BBBBBBBB if opcode == 0x17: op = 'const-wide/32' AA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 4], 16) BBBBBBBB = insns[offset + 4:offset + 12].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBBBBBB, 16) decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, #+%s' % (op, AA, BBBBBBBB) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 12 elif formatIns == '31t': # Format: AA|op BBBBlo BBBBhi <=> op vAA, +BBBBBBBB op = '????' # (1) opcode=26 fill-array-data vAA, +BBBBBBBB # (2) opcode=2b packed-switch vAA, +BBBBBBBB # (3) opcode=2c sparse-switch vAA, +BBBBBBBB if opcode == 0x26: op = 'fill-array-data' if opcode == 0x2b: op = 'packed-switch' if opcode == 0x2c: op = 'sparse-switch' AA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 4], 16) BBBBBBBB = insns[offset + 4:offset + 12].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') pseudo_instructions_offset = int(BBBBBBBB, 16) + byteCounts retVal = parsePseudoInstruction(byteCounts, insns, pseudo_instructions_offset * 4) decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBBBBBB, 16) decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, %08x // +%s, %s' % (op, AA, pseudo_instructions_offset, BBBBBBBB, retVal) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 12 elif formatIns == '31c': # Format: AA|op BBBBlo BBBBhi <=> op vAA, thing@BBBBBBBB op = '????' indexStr = '' AA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 4], 16) BBBBBBBB = insns[offset + 4:offset + 12].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') # (1) opcode=1b const-string/jumbo vAA, string@BBBBBBBB if opcode == 0x1b: op = 'const-string/jumbo' indexStr = dexFile.DexStringIdList[int(BBBBBBBB, 16)] decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.vB = BBBBBBBB decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, string@%s //%s' % (op, AA, BBBBBBBB, indexStr) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 12 elif formatIns == '35c': # Format: A|G|op BBBB F|E|D|C indexType = '????' op = '????' indexStr = '' A = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 3], 16) G = int(insns[offset + 3:offset + 4], 16) BBBB = insns[offset + 4:offset + 8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') registerStr = insns[offset + 8:offset + 12].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') F = int(registerStr[:1], 16) E = int(registerStr[1:2], 16) D = int(registerStr[2:3], 16) C = int(registerStr[3:4], 16) # (1) opcode=24 filled-new-array {vC, vD, vE, vF, vG}, type@BBBB if opcode == 0x24: op = 'filled-new-array' indexType = 'type' indexStr = dexFile.DexTypeIdList[int(BBBB, 16)] # (2) opcode=62..72 invoke-kind {vC, vD, vE, vF, vG}, method@BBBB if opcode >= 0x6e and opcode <= 0x72: invoke_kind = ['invoke-virtual', 'invoke-super', 'invoke-direct', 'invoke-static', 'invoke-interface'] op = invoke_kind[opcode-0x6e] indexType = 'method' dexMethodIdObj = dexFile.DexMethodIdList[int(BBBB, 16)] indexStr = dexMethodIdObj.toString(dexFile) registers = None if A == 0: # [A=0] op {}, kind@BBBB decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = A decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBB, 16) decodedInstruction.indexType = indexType decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s {}, %s@%s //%s' % (op, indexType, BBBB, indexStr) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 12 elif A == 1: # [A=1] op {vC}, kind@BBBB decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = A decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBB, 16) decodedInstruction.vC = C decodedInstruction.indexType = indexType decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s {v%d}, %s@%s //%s' % (op, C, indexType, BBBB, indexStr) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 12 elif A == 2: # [A=2] op {vC, vD}, kind@BBBB decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = A decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBB, 16) decodedInstruction.vC = C decodedInstruction.vD = D decodedInstruction.indexType = indexType decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s {v%d, v%d}, %s@%s //%s' % (op, C, D, indexType, BBBB, indexStr) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 12 elif A == 3: # [A=3] op {vC, vD, vE}, kind@BBBB decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = A decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBB, 16) decodedInstruction.vC = C decodedInstruction.vD = D decodedInstruction.vE = E decodedInstruction.indexType = indexType decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s {v%d, v%d, v%d}, %s@%s //%s' % (op, C, D, E, indexType, BBBB, indexStr) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 12 elif A == 4: # [A=4] op {vC, vD, vE, vF}, kind@BBBB decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = A decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBB, 16) decodedInstruction.vC = C decodedInstruction.vD = D decodedInstruction.vE = E decodedInstruction.vF = F decodedInstruction.indexType = indexType decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s {v%d, v%d, v%d, v%d}, %s@%s //%s' % (op, C, D, E, F, indexType, BBBB, indexStr) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 12 elif A == 5: # [A=5] op {vC, vD, vE, vF, vG}, type@BBBB decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = A decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBB, 16) decodedInstruction.vC = C decodedInstruction.vD = D decodedInstruction.vE = E decodedInstruction.vF = F decodedInstruction.vG = G decodedInstruction.indexType = indexType decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s {v%d, v%d, v%d, v%d, %d}, %s@%s //%s' % (op, C, D, E, F, G, indexType, BBBB, indexStr) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 12 elif formatIns == '35ms': # Format: A|G|op BBBB F|E|D|C # 无opcode pass elif formatIns == '35mi': # Format: A|G|op BBBB F|E|D|C # 无opcode pass elif formatIns == '3rc': # Format: AA|op BBBB CCCC <=> op {vCCCC .. vNNNN} [method|type]@BBBB op = '????' indexType = '????' indexStr = '' AA = int(insns[offset + 2:offset + 4], 16) BBBB = insns[offset + 4:offset + 8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') CCCC = int(insns[offset + 8:offset + 12].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) N = AA + CCCC - 1 # (1) opcode=25 filled-new-array/range {vCCCC .. vNNNN}, type@BBBB if opcode == 0x25: op = 'fiiled-new-array/range' indexType = 'type' indexStr = dexFile.DexTypeIdList[int(BBBB, 16)] # (2) opcode=74..78 invoke-kind/range {vCCCC .. vNNNN}, method@BBBB if opcode >= 0x74 and opcode <= 0x78: ops = ['invoke-virtual/range', 'invoke-super/range', 'invoke-direct/range', 'invoke-static/range', 'invoke-intenrface/range'] op = ops[opcode - 0x74] indexType = 'method' dexMethodIdObj = dexFile.DexMethodIdList[int(BBBB, 16)] indexStr = dexMethodIdObj.toString(dexFile) registers = '' for i in range(N): registers += 'v' + str(CCCC + i) + ',' decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBB, 16) decodedInstruction.vC = CCCC decodedInstruction.indexType = indexType decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s {%s} %s@%s //%s' % (op, registers, indexType, BBBB, indexStr) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 12 elif formatIns == '3rms': # Format: AA|op BBBB CCCC <=> op {vCCCC .. vNNNN}, vtaboff@BBBB # 无opcode pass elif formatIns == '3rmi': # Format: AA|op BBBB CCCC <=> op {vCCCC .. vNNNN}, inline@BBBB # 无opcode pass elif formatIns == '51l': # Format: AA|op BBBBlo BBBB BBBB BBBBhi <=>op vAA,#+BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB # (1) opcode=18 const-wide vAA, #+BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB if opcode == 0x18: AA = int(insns[offset+2:offset+4], 16) BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB = insns[offset+4:offset+20].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') decodedInstruction.op = 'const-wide' decodedInstruction.vA = AA decodedInstruction.vB = int(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB, 16) decodedInstruction.smaliCode = 'const-wide v%d, #+%s' % (AA, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 20 elif formatIns == '33x': # Format: exop BB|AA CCCC <=> exop vAA, vBB, vCCCC # 无opcode pass elif formatIns == '32s': # Format: exop BB|AA CCCC <=> exop vAA, vBB, #+CCCC # 无opcode pass elif formatIns == '40sc': # Format: exop BBBBlo BBBBhi AAAA <=> exop AAAA, kind@BBBBBBBB # 无opcode pass ''' expaneded opcode opcode为ff,表示后面还有二级opcode ''' if opcode == 0xff: expanded_opcode = int(insns[offset:offset + 4].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) formatIns, _ = OpCode.getOpCode(expanded_opcode) if formatIns == '41c': expanded_opcode = int(insns[offset:offset + 4].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) # Format: exop BBBBlo BBBBhi AAAA <=> exop vAAAA, [field|type]@BBBBBBBB indexType = '????' op = '????' # (1) expanded_opcode=00ff const-class/jumbo vAAAA, type@BBBBBBBB if expanded_opcode == 0x00ff: op = 'const-class/jumbo' indexType = 'type' # (2) expanded_opcode=01ff check-cast/jumbo vAAAA, type@BBBBBBBB elif expanded_opcode == 0x01ff: op = 'check-cast/jumbo' indexType = 'type' # (3) expanded_opcode=03ff new-instance/jumbo vAAAA, type@BBBBBBBB elif expanded_opcode == 0x03ff: op = 'new-instance/jumbo' indexType = 'type' # (4) expanded_opcode=14ff..21ff sstaticop/jumbo vAAAA, field@BBBBBBBB elif expanded_opcode >= 0x14ff and expanded_opcode <= 0x21ff: ops = ['sget/jumbo', 'sget-wide/jumbo', 'sget-object/jumbo', 'sget-boolean/jumbo', 'sget-byte/jumbo', 'sget-char/jumbo', 'sget-short/jumbo', 'sput/jumbo', 'sput-wide/jumbo', 'sput-object/jumbo', 'sput-boolean/jumbo', 'sput-byte/jumbo', 'sput-char/jumbo', 'sput-short/jumbo'] op = ops[expanded_opcode - 0x14ff] indexType = 'field' BBBBBBBB = int(insns[offset + 4:offset + 12].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) AAAA = int(insns[offset + 12:offset + 16].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AAAA decodedInstruction.vB = BBBBBBBB decodedInstruction.indexType = indexType decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, %s@%s' % (op, AAAA, indexType, hex(BBBBBBBB)[2:]) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 16 elif formatIns == '52c': expanded_opcode = int(insns[offset:offset + 4].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) indexType = '????' op = '????' # Format: exop CCCClo CCCChi AAAA BBBB <=> exop vAAAA, vBBBB, [field|type]@CCCCCCCC # (1) expanded_opcode=02ff instance-of/jumbo vAAAA, vBBBB, type@CCCCCCCC if expanded_opcode == 0x02ff: op = 'instance-of/jumbo' indexType = 'type' # (2) expanded_opcode=04ff new-array/jumbo vAAAA, vBBBB, type@CCCCCCCC if expanded_opcode == 0x02ff: op = 'new-array/jumbo' indexType = 'type' # (3) expanded_opcode=06ff..13ff iinstanceop/jumbo vAAAA, vBBBB, field@CCCCCCCC if expanded_opcode >= 0x06ff and expanded_opcode <= 0x13ff: ops = ['iget/jumbo', 'iget-wide/jumbo', 'iget-object/jumbo', 'iget-boolean/jumbo', 'iget-byte/jumbo', 'iget-char/jumbo', 'iget-short/jumbo', 'iput/jumbo', 'iput-wide/jumbo', 'iput-object/jumbo', 'iput-boolean/jumbo', 'iput-byte/jumbo', 'iput-char/jumbo', 'iput-short/jumbo'] op = ops[expanded_opcode - 0x06ff] indexType = 'field' CCCCCCCC = int(insns[offset + 4:offset + 12].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) AAAA = int(insns[offset + 12:offset + 16].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) BBBB = int(insns[offset + 16:offset + 20].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AAAA decodedInstruction.vB = BBBB decodedInstruction.vC = CCCCCCCC decodedInstruction.indexType = indexType decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s v%d, v%d %s@%s' % (op, AAAA, BBBB, indexType, hex(CCCCCCCC)[2:]) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 20 elif formatIns == '5rc': expanded_opcode = int(insns[offset:offset + 4].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) indexType = '????' op = '????' # Format: exop BBBBlo BBBBhi AAAA CCCC <=> exop {vCCCC .. vNNNN}, [method|type]@BBBBBBBB # (1) expanded_opcode=05ff filled-new-array/jumbo {vCCCC .. vNNNN}, type@BBBBBBBB if expanded_opcode == 0x05ff: op = 'filled-new-array/jumbo' indexType = 'type' # (2) expanded_opcode=22ff..26ff invoke-kind/jumbo {vCCCC .. vNNNN}, method@BBBBBBBB if expanded_opcode >= 0x22ff and expanded_opcode <= 0x26ff: ops= ['invoke-virtual/jumbo', 'invoke-super/jumbo', 'invoke-direct/jumbo', 'invoke-static/jumbo', 'invoke-interface/jumbo'] op = ops[expanded_opcode - 0x22ff] indexType = 'method' BBBBBBBB = int(insns[offset + 4:offset + 12].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) AAAA = int(insns[offset + 12:offset + 16].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) CCCC = int(insns[offset + 16:offset + 20].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) N = AAAA + CCCC - 1 registers = '' for i in range(N): registers += 'v' + str(CCCC + i) + ',' decodedInstruction.op = op decodedInstruction.vA = AAAA decodedInstruction.vB = BBBBBBBB decodedInstruction.vC = CCCC decodedInstruction.indexType = indexType decodedInstruction.smaliCode = '%s {%s} %s@%s' % (op, registers, indexType, hex(BBBBBBBB)[2:]) decodedInstruction.offset = offset decodedInstruction.length = 20 return decodedInstructiondef parsePseudoInstruction(opcode_address, insns, offset): ident = insns[offset:offset+4].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex') # packed-switch-payload Format if ident == '0100': size = int(insns[offset + 4:offset + 8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) first_key = int(insns[offset+8:offset+16].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) targets = [] sb = '' for i in range(size): _v = int(insns[offset+16+8*i:offset+16+8*(i+1)].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) targets.append(_v) sb += ' \t%-16scase %d: goto %s\n' % ('', first_key+i, hex(_v + opcode_address)) return '\n'+sb # sparse-switch-payload Format if ident == '0200': size = int(insns[offset + 4:offset + 8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) keys = [] targets = [] sb = '' for i in range(size): keys.append(int(insns[offset+8+8*i:offset+8+8*(i+1)].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16)) _v = int(insns[(offset+8+8*i)+size*8:(offset+8+8*(i+1))+size*8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) hexNum = _v + opcode_address if hexNum > (0xffffffff+1): hexNum -= 0xffffffff+1 tmp = hex(hexNum) if tmp.endswith('L'): tmp = tmp[:-1] targets.append(tmp) else: targets.append(hex(hexNum)) sb += ' \t%-16scase %d: goto %s\n' % ('', keys[i], targets[i]) return '\n'+sb # fill-array-data-payload Format if ident == '0300': element_width = int(insns[offset + 4:offset + 8].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) size = int(insns[offset + 8:offset + 16].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) data = [] dataStr = '[' for i in range(size): val = insns[offset + 16 + 2*element_width*i:offset + 16 + 2*element_width*(i+1)] data.append(val) dataStr += val + ',' dataStr += ']' return dataStr